
Develop high-value offers and speed up the copywriting process with the Offer Ladder Worksheet.

Offer Ladder Worksheet

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It’s next to impossible to write compelling copy with the goal of selling your services or products if you don’t know what those offers entail.

Get clear on how to position your offers, design the deliverables, refine your process, communicate your timeline and customizations, and shine a light on your perceived value.

(A.K.A Why you're worth the investment.)

(Pssst: If you've purchased the BP Services Page Template, you've got this worksheet already!)

Brand Strategy MEGA Questionnaire + Trello Planner

Audience Discovery Workbook


Audience Persona & Brand Messaging Workbook




The Complete A-Z Course (with mastermind!) for service-based DIYers who want to write or rewrite your website copy under the wing of a six-figure professional copywriter.

The Copywriting
Cohort Course