The website copywriter for conversational copy that converts.

Propel your business or startup with story-driven web copy, sales copy, brand messaging, and more.

congrats, YOU FOUND ME...


TL;DR: writing copy isn’t your idea of a good time.

Writing website copy that compels your audience to take action is easier said than done.


Most days you worry your copy isn’t speaking to the right people and you don’t need to look at your analytics to know your copy isn’t piquing Google's interest. Heatmaps show your visitors are X-ing out before they've learned about your product or service. And worst of all, your purpose (the thing people connect with the most) is buried underneath a word salad. 

Leave it to me to craft SEO-enriched copy that converts browsers into buyers and gives you peace of mind knowing your words are doing the selling for you.

copy that converts

Every website and sales campaign needs an angle. Your unique messaging framework primes your audience for your offers. (While remaining true to your purpose.)

Masterful MessaGing PLAN

Whether we're writing sales copy for your course launch or revamping your site, my Brand Strategy Blueprint process gives us the clarity and direction we need to execute stand out copy.


Luckily, you found me and writing your copy is kind of my thing.

Remain in your lane while I upgrade your website, sales, and email funnels with glee.


To put it bluntly, I didn't wake up one morning and decide to call myself a copywriter. I have 15+ years of experience writing and marketing for businesses and I hold an M.S. in Print & Digital Media from NYU. Does this mean I tell people I have a master's degree in selling stories? Yes, it does and I do.

I started Big Picture Copywriting because I wanted to combine the purpose-driven spirit of the book publishing world (my past life) with the data-informed reality we live in (my tech marketer past life). Because if your yawn-inducing copy lacks purpose and personality, and disregards UX best practices and behavioral science, it's dead on arrival.

I’m Courtney Fanning.

me? i do this all the time.

seen on and trusted by

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I've got a stellar crew of designers and developers on standby.

Brand Messaging & Website Copywriting


Copywriting Services

My signature process for refining your brand messaging and translating it into website copy that keeps you booked and busy year-round.

Looking for a dream team?

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Get inside your audience’s heads with better brand messaging. Dial in your brand story, audience personas, marketing messaging, brand voice, pillars, and more in this 4-day messaging intensive. 

Brand Discovery


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Long-form sales page copy that moves people to buy your courses and offers without giving them (and you) the ick.

Sales Page Copy


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Not ready for custom? Grab my BP-approved templates designed to help you do the dang thing when you've got champagne taste but a boxed-wine budget.

DIY Template Shop


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OR See ALL services →

(And if you need an email copywriter to help you with those launch sequences, I know a gal…)

Misty Molloy, Founder of CoCreative Interiors

“Capturing the right tone had a domino effect...”

...ultimately saving me time by reducing the number of leads who are not a good fit and better prepping those who are a good fit to walk through my sales process.

“I would have never arranged my copy so well without Courtney’s talent.”

To stand out in the business crowd, great copywriting is mandatory. I would have never arranged my copy so well without Courtney's talent for taking a person's words and making them shine in an online world.

Barbara de la Torre, Founder of Third Opinion MD

The strategy and copywriting were critical to nailing down my voice, my process, and my overall business approach. I had A LOT in my brain and Courtney masterfully synthesized it and put the "best of me" in the copy. I was blown away by the result.

“Courtney took my vision and created something better than I even imagined.”

Bryn Panee Burkhart, Founder of BRIGHT Evolution

Client Reviews

SEE MY client PORTFOLIO ✏️ →

...they invest in you!

People don’t invest in products and services

WANNA SEE MY WORK? Remember...

And sometimes, (future) clients like you need help articulating your "big picture" so your marketing and messaging can leave a lasting impression.

"I wanted to rebrand for AGES. I got my time back and I finally got that 'finished feeling' I'd been searching for. I didn't have to spend time giving lots of edits or feedback because you listened and you nailed the copywriting every time."

CEO & Founder of The Connection

Amy Geach

I finally got that “finished feeling” I’d been searching for.

They want to be talked to, not at. They want to buy from brands that speak like them and sound like their inner monologue. It's okay to loosen your collar and unbutton the top button but your words still have to count!

Business looks (and sounds) different than it did five years ago...

can we get real for a second?


Let’s write your website, sales page copy, emails & more.

Your move, chief.

Curated Must-Reads

The Ultimate Step-By-Step Process For Working With A Website Copywriter

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How Much Does A Copywriter Cost?

Factors that influence cost and tips for budgeting and hiring a copywriter.

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How To Write Copy For A Website Design Template

5 Do's and Don'ts if you're using a website template and how to approach your copy.

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Determine your brand's personality with seven easy exercises you can do in under 10-minutes.

Get The Brand Personality Workbook

Aaaaaand, go!
...or do it yourself!

An easy-to-follow framework to use when refreshing your brand identity and messaging.

Brand Refresh Checklist

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The essential best-practices to check off the list before hitting publish on your blog posts, websites, and media content.

SEO for Copywriting Checklist


Write your homepage copy from header to footer with this easy-to-follow Google doc template + visual wireframe.

Homepage Copy Template

Top FREE resources


Dead simple prompt-filled templates and guides to get the job done when hiring a 4-fig copywriter just isn't in the cards.

The BP Shop

More cheers, less tears

(I got you, babe.)

Learn to dive three levels deep into how your audience thinks so you can write compelling messaging like nobody else.

The Audience Persona & Brand Messaging Workbook

Shop the Bestseller!

10 Must-Have      Resources You Need to DIY Your Copy.

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The bi-weekly newsletter serving up templates, tutorials, and actionable copy tips to help you serve and sell with your words.  

“Letters from Your Editor”

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3,000+ READERS

8 Must-Have      Resources You Need to DIY Your Copy.

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The bi-weekly newsletter serving up templates, tutorials, and actionable copy tips to help you serve and sell with your words.  

“Letters from Your Editor”

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