
Copywriting for founders, startups, & growing businesses.

Copywriting Services

Can I be brutally honest?

Hiring a copywriter shouldn’t feel like performing a trust fall.

You’ve got a dozen decisions to make today.

Let's talk shop, partner. 

  • You want a mature professional with traceable experience.
  • You need to work with someone who can distill complex topics into digestible messaging.
  • You need a brand voice chameleon who produces stellar work, on a stellar timeline with an organized process. 

And, if you want to light a $1,000 bill on fire, hire someone on Upwork.

But if you prefer highly-targeted copywriting that sounds like your buying audience’s inner monologue, I'm the brand copywriter with 15+ years of experience who can help your business or startup articulate your offers with SEO-studded, conversational copywriting that converts.

what if you could work with a best-in-class creative copywriter who delivers:

Brand Clarity

What's the right brand story to tell? Let me be your guide as we excavate and organize your brand's puzzle pieces and wrangle your offers, story, and messaging to kickstart your goals.

A+ Conversions

Take your SEO-optimized copy to the bank with strategically positioned messaging that elevates your perceived value so the right people are compelled to click, buy, and subscribe.


I'll help you see the forest from the trees and masterfully articulate your business and offers so you can own your messaging and feel solid in your differentiation. 

Start your project

what if you halved your to-do list?

Let me handle the copywriting so you can spend your day in your zone of genius.

You're speaking my language, let's go!

Kind Words

Courtney is the Ferrari of copywriters.

— Sean Webster, CEO of Mac N' Cheese Media

The copywriting was far beyond our capabilities and her dedication to nail our tone properly really made working with her worth every penny.

🏎️  P1, baby. 

Courtney is a magician!


It is so important for my clients to understand my process, how I work, and my values. I now have that beautifully written, and it sounds like me.

I'm blushing...

Courtney is extraordinarily talented at her craft and I am grateful to have had her as my brand strategist!


The honor is mine!

Courtney’s work helped us stand out from other players in the space.


Working with Courtney transformed our idea into a sophisticated brand. She helped bring personality and a user-centric approach to our otherwise corporate brand.

Team work makes the dream work!

inquire NOW

Brand Messaging & Website Copywriting

Let me articulate your brand story, refine your messaging strategy, and craft powerful copy that converts.

timeline: 2 weeks—SERIOUSLY!

Not in the market for website copy, but have another project in mind? Tell me more.

When it's too hard to see the forest from the trees, it's time to call an audible on doing it all yourself. Skip those weeks (months?) of analysis paralysis and let me deep-dive into your messaging and copy.

Whether you're looking to refresh, rewrite, or start from scratch, we’ll create audience personas, collect voice-of-customer data, outline site goals, page goals, keywords/metadata, CTAs, and lead-generating opt-ins. I'll roll my research into SEO-rich website copy written for humans first, and Google second.

I'll handle the heavy lifting and user testing while keeping you in the loop with collaborative docs and Loom video check-ins. I work with ONE full website copy client at a time so you can be sure you're my #1 priority. Once we've crossed our Ts and dotted our Is, your designer-friendly docs will be ready for you to hand over to your web guru to implement.

seo-rich website copy (5-7 pages)

Investment: Starting at $5,000 (payment plans available)

Brand Messaging Blueprint


brand voice, Tone, & Personality

brand archetypes

brand pillars (your 5Ps)


USer Testing & interviews

Audience INTERVIEWS & Survey


Sales Page Copy

Or landing page copywriting paired with some email sequence copy, perhaps? Don't tease me with a good time.

Your offer is good, maybe you even think it's the best on the market. But your audience isn't buying features---they're buying the promise of a transformation. Unforch, when you're 100+ Slack notifications deep, that pile of audience research isn't going to transform into compelling sales copy overnight. Enter: me.

I'll audit your offer and perform or cross-reference voice of customer data to find your sales page's "hook" and build an irresistible sales narrative that’s motivating, ethical, and conversion copywriting-focused.  


(And if you need an email copywriter to help you with those launch sequences, I know a gal…)

long form sales page or Landing page

timeline: 1 week

Investment: $2,000

Full course or offer audit

offer clarity questionnaire

brand voice assessment

1-hour strategy session

add-on: Launch email sequence, abandoned-cart sequence, post-purchase sequence, onboarding emails.

(Optional) opt-in or Webinar Signup Page Copy

(Optional) confirmation Page Copy or post-purchase message

Brand Messaging

A brand strategy intensive to help you find the right brand story & messaging to go-to-market.

The BP Brand Blueprint process gets everything out of your head and onto the page. We'll take audience research and "flip the script" to create pillar messaging points you'll use everywhere throughout your marketing.

We'll define your brand voice, craft marketable UVPs, and outline your language and usage guidelines in a shareable and editable deck that your team can use and build off for years to come. (Your old PDF brand deck could *never*...)

This service is a stellar launch pad for early-stage startups, growing businesses, or DIY copywriters ramping up marketing efforts or refining investor decks.

inquire now

Timeline: 4 days

Investment: STARTS AT $2,350

Brand Messaging Blueprint


brand voice, Tone, & Personality

brand archetypes

brand pillars (your 5Ps)


Audience INTERVIEWS & survey

diy copywriting roadmap

Blog & Content Strategy 

Get clear on your content marketing goals, opt-in, and newsletter content strategy, and let me knock out one of your email sequences.

If you're praying to be blessed by the Google gods or have no idea how to turn content in leads, stop scrolling and listen.

Your blog content, newsletter, and opt-ins should create a search engine-optimized, evergreen content ecosystem that attracts, nurtures, and sells your products and services for you. I'll help you kick your content into high gear and figure out the best strategy for your goals and audience.

inquire now

All email sequence options can be customized to meet your needs.

• Welcome Sequence
• Client Onboarding Sequence
• Mini Launch Sequence
• Promo Sequence
• Something Else Amazing

choose one:

Brand Voice Asessment

timeline: 4 days

Investment: two payments of $1,500

Blog Strategy & 6-month content plan

Lead Magnet Strategy & Outline

Copywritten Email Sequence (ADD-ON)

Newsletter Strategy & Template Outline



Copy Tune-Up + Editing

The problem with writing your own copy is you don’t know what you don’t know and after the tenth read,  your words don’t even look like words anymore. And, as much as they want to help, your mom’s feedback makes you realize she doesn’t know what you do for a living. ;) If you’ve got a couple of questions (or 20) and wish someone could help you figure out a better way to say what you're trying to get across in paragraph three, with personality, and style, send me your docs and let me fix your mess.

Perfect for the DIY-er on a budget. Button up your copy with my copy edits or get a diagnosis on what's not working—and how to fix it!

book your date

Investment: $750 / up to 7 pages / 2-hour review session


2-weeks of email support

Timeline: 1 day

POST-MORTEM notes + Resources List

copy Audit + Diagnosis (Website, sales page, landing page or email sequence)

Action-Items Checklist

20% off BP Shop or 10% off future services

Investment: $350 / up to 2 pages / 1-hour review session

copy Clarity Questionnaire

1:1 walkthrough + Copyedits


“Receiving third-party insight into how to deliver that story in a compelling manner has been invaluable to our growth!”

“It was such a relief to work with someone who immediately understood my business and vision so I could just focus on building my product and community.”


“Courtney was able to see through the noise and pull out what is, in fact, the essence of Vamonos.”

suzanne roske, Founder of vamonos coaching

Client Reviews


I live in the space between dreamy literati and investigative reporter.

I'm determined to get to the bottom of things. I can navigate an analytics dashboard like nobody's business and heatmaps give me technicolor dreams.

But I adore sorting through survey results and competitor research just as much as I love sitting down with my clients over a freshly brewed iced coffee to understand their magic.  

You’re ready for the BP treatment if...

"Rewrite copy" has been on your to-do list for more than a year...

You've got tried and tested service offerings you're ready to amplify.

You're ready to put your stake in the ground and own your messaging.

You're done trying to *do it all* and ready to do it *smarter*.

You're ready to level-up and play in the same arena as your heroes.

I'm saving founders, startups, and businesses time, money, and frustration one Oxford comma at a time.

I love strategy but I’m driven by the connection only good storytelling can create.

I couldn't have made my website as friendly, clear-focused and personalized without the copywriting. This is WAY out of my wheelhouse, so having a facelift of my website would have not only taken me forever, but wouldn't have gone smoothly."

Primelife Nutrition


“I was nervous about making the investment, but I don’t regret it for a second and it was worth every penny.


“The strategy and copywriting process really helped us zero in on what we were trying to say to our audience.”

The process was great because it forced us to organize our thoughts in a cohesive manner. 

“I’m still implementing all the things she’s provided!”

I can easily pull keywords and phrases from my brand deck and apply them to all my other assets, like my social posts and email newsletters.


I had been stuck, going round and round in circles for 18 months and couldn't narrow down what copy to include on the homepage, about page, or identify a path through the website I wanted people to follow. I was frustrated and overwhelmed! I am overjoyed with the result of the 2 weeks working with Courtney - and only wish I had got help sooner.

“I wish I’d got help sooner...”


Client Reviews

The BP Promise

The Purpose-Driven Difference

Along the way, I’ve witnessed “the little guy” make it big by using their purpose to fuel their messaging and drive clicks, consults, and “save my credit card details" for future purchases. No gimmicks or sleazy sales tactics necessary.

Your biggest differentiator is your ‘why’.

I cut my chops in the corporate world working with brands in the tech, nonprofit, education, publishing, wellness and beauty arenas including The New Yorker, Elizabeth Arden, Stash Tea, and more New York Times Bestselling authors than I can count.

Let me help you articulate yours →


Do you offer payment plans?

Absolutely, I do. Typically you’ll submit a 50% deposit to secure your slot on my calendar and then you’ll pay the rest at the end of the project. Depending on how far in advance you book, I can offer monthly payment installments or payment in the beginning, middle, and end of the engagement. TL;DR, if you want to work with me, we’ll find a way to make it fit your budget!

How far in advance do you book out?

Depends on the season, but I’m usually booking new projects 4-6 weeks out. If you need a rush job, I often have small windows of time reserved where I can fit you in—fill out the contact form above to start the conversation.

Should I work with you or a designer first?

Start here. Copy dictates design, even your brand colors and logo. Designers will often (more like, always) take the brand strategy blueprint I craft for your business and use it to inform their work. I bake research and strategy into every project, and if you start with design, you may end up with messaging and visuals that aren’t aligned and have to go back to your designer to redo their work. If you’re a service provider (in particular) your copywriting has a higher return on investment in the beginning. (Trust me, I work with several brand designers who much prefer for you to get your brand and messaging sorted first, and then come to them with brand clarity and enthusiasm!)

Can you recommend any designers or photographers?

Heck yes, I can. I have a rolodex full of creative service providers I have used or partnered with on client work I’m dying for you to meet. I’ll play matchmaker and recommend the best-fit people to help you grow your business: Designers, developers, OBMs, bookkeepers, brand photographers, Pinterest managers, you name it. Just tell me what you need.

Can you put together a custom offer for me?

If you’re looking for something a little different from the offers on my Services Page, and you’re digging my vibe, I’d love to talk about putting together a bespoke proposal that meets your every need. It’s worth noting that I don’t cut corners, though. I rarely skip the strategy phase of a project—even if you’ve worked with a designer or agency who took you through their own strategy process. Messaging and copywriting strategy is different from visual, social, PR, and comms strategies. Let’s talk it out and see how we can get you what you need.

Do you prefer Showit, Squarespace, Wordpress or another website builder?

When it comes to your copy, the platform doesn’t matter. I have a personal affinity for Showit and Tonic Site Shop templates (get 15% off with code BIGPICTURE), but I have written words used on just about every platform. However, it’s good for me to know which website (or email!) platform you’ll be using and whether you’ll be using a designer, a template design, or DIY-ing fully so I can format the page in a way that compliments the platform. For example, some platforms make adding in microcopy and other way-finding UX difficult without custom code. But trust me, if you’re planning to transfer your copy to a piece of paper and then photograph it, your messaging will resonate, no matter the medium!

I already filled out a branding questionnaire with a designer/coach/other contractor. Can we skip the brand strategy part of our work together?

No, we cannot. Here’s why: A designer is focused on translating your brand visually. A coach or consultant is focused on aligning your brand with their specific services. They might ask some of the same questions but their angle does not take you where you need to go to produce the right words and phrases for your business. As your copywriter, I’m focused on creating a *messaging strategy*. My strategy process isn’t the same as theirs. While I encourage you to share any strategy work you’ve done prior to our project, I must go through my signature brand strategy process. (For the record, the Brand Strategy Blueprint deck is the #1 most shared client deliverable. My clients end up sharing it with their teams and all future contractors because it contains the copy swipes, brand story, and positioning you need to market your products and services. Marketing is, after all, 99% words, words, words.)

Once I submit Your Contact form, what will happen next?

You are thorough and I love that about you. After you select your preferred time on the calendar and submit the form you will receive a confirmation email with your Zoom meeting link. Around 12 hours before our meeting you’ll receive a reminder email. After our conversation, if we’re both madly in love with each other, I’ll send you a project proposal reiterating everything we talked about and walking you through the timeline, process, deliverables, and budget for you to review and approve. Once the contract is signed and your deposit received, we’ll lock in your kickoff meeting time, and you’ll receive your onboarding materials including any pre-work questionnaires and a place to submit any existing testimonials, research, etc. I use Dubsado and Google Drive to automate and house all communications and documents so nothing gets lost and everything is easily accessible to everyone.


Grab my BP-approved templates designed to help you do the dang thing when you can't swing 4-figs for a professional copywriter.

No shame in the DIY game.

10 Must-Have      Resources To Triage Your Hot-Mess Copy

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