5-Day Brand Strategy Challenge

I’ll slide into your inbox each morning with a 2-minute video breaking down one of your five must-have brand strategy essentials.

You've got mail!

Your reward for sticking with the challenge? A little primer to help you take the next step. Use your pillars to write a power About page that connects with your readers.


When you understand the 5Ps and draft your own, you'll *finally* be able to write true-to-you copy that converts browsers into buyers.

Hello, Brand Clarity!

Each day you'll receive a short video tutorial breaking down one of your five foundational brand pillars.

You've Got Mail!

Here’s what you'll get:

I'm a publishing & media professional turned tech marketer with a literal master's degree in selling stories. (NYU M.S. Print & Digital Media, baby!)

I started Big Picture Branding because I wanted to combine the purpose-driven spirit of the book publishing world (my past life) with the data-informed reality we live in. My clients are proof that you can grow a profitable businesses that doesn't shy away from having a personality or a big picture purpose.

I’m Courtney Fanning.

Hey there!