Brand Story + Website Copy



Articulate the brand story you want to tell your audience and I’ll translate it into powerful website copy that converts.

Because without a brand story, you’re simply competing on price. (Ew.)


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Let’s talk about why you’re here

What if you could hand over your jumble of ideas, wants, and needs and let someone else make sense of them? Someone who works with purpose-driven businesses like yours, hates copy that sounds “sales-y”, and knows how to craft the kind of compelling message that appeals to your unique audience. (And gets them to convert, too!)

Let me handle the brand strategy and word-smithery so you can focus on the parts of running a business that suit you best.

And Who Am I?

I’m a card-carrying word nerd who reads B-school case studies for fun.

I’ve got over a decade of experience helping people, businesses, and startups define and redefine their brands. I’m a master storyteller who has used her skills to sell books, higher education, software, mobile apps, coaching programs, jewelry collections, memberships and a heck of a lot more.



The Brand Story + Website Copy package is a 4-week jumpstart to get your brand story straight, your copy written, and set you up with all the tools you need to mobilize your brand strategy.

This package is right for you if you’re:

  • Getting ready to launch your product or business

  • Developing a new business idea

  • Needing copy for sales, marketing or landing pages

  • Launching or redesigning your website

  • Looking to level-up your marketing

  • Looking to determine your brand voice

  • Unsure how to speak to your audience

  • Looking to level-up your marketing

  • Adding new services or products to your brand

  • Pivoting your business strategy

  • Trying to appeal to a new audience or channel


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Your challenges include:

  • Not knowing how to clearly say who you are and what you do

  • Uninspired messaging and copywriting

  • Fostering brand evangelists — getting them to subscribe, follow, and spread the word

  • Lack of time and marketing resources

  • Setting yourself apart from the competition

  • Pitching yourself or your company to investors

  • Recruiting dynamic job applicants

  • Knowing what that “next step” looks like

Cool, Cool, Cool. How does this work?

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Here’s how the Brand Story +Website Copy magic happens:


01: Brand Discovery

We’ll work one-on-one to assess your business, market, audience, future goals, and the story we need to tell your audience.

Together, we’ll map out your audience’s personas and problems and articulate your brand voice so we can build a true-to-you and compelling messaging strategy.

(Approx. 1-2 hour strategy session)

(Learn more about the Brand Discovery process.)


02:Website Copywriting

With our discovery research and brand story in hand, I’ll map out your website copy wireframes and write up to (4) pages of on-brand website copy.

Weekly check-ins and collaborative tools keep us in sync for a pitch perfect outcome.


03:Brand Blueprint and style guide

I’ll compile everything into your custom-built Brand Blueprint and Style Guide for you to return to as your business grows, as you add products and resources, and when you need to write more copy!

(P.S. Looking for landing page copywriting or copyediting help? Check out my a la carte services for rates. )

What you walk away with:

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Why is the branding component necessary? Can’t you just write my copy without it?

Generic copy that doesn’t jive with your overall brand strategy makes you sound like a commodity, or worse, a gimmick — and there are thousands of “conversion copywriters” who will happily ignore your brand and take your money and run.

I have over a decade of experience as a marketer/brand strategist/copywriter and my mission is to help companies and brands tell their stories so their audience feels inspired and connected to that brand’s purpose.

I have worked for large corporate entities and scrappy tech startups who are killing it in their respective fields. Take a note from their playbooks: If you want to build a grown-up business (even if you’re a team of one) brand strategy is key!






Big Picture Branding Tip #459

“Conversion Copy” without a brand story is just sales jargon.

Figure out who you are first, then how you’re going to say it.

Big Picture Branding Tip #622

A brand is more than a logo or tagline.

It’s a strategic endeavor.






Once you’re able to articulate your business’ vision and know how you want people to perceive you, you’ll finally know how to talk about yourself and where.

  • Website Copy: With the right copy in place, you’ll have the power to control your brand perception and turn visitors into buyers.

  • Social Media: You’ll know what to talk about on social, what imagery to post, and what tone to take.

  • Blogging Content: You’ll know what topics your audience wants to read about and what inspires them to take action.

  • Speaking Engagements: You’ll know what your audience wants to hear you talk about and what kind of storytelling inspires them to talk about you in return.

  • Marketing Campaigns: You’ll capitalize on the right elements of your business to create evocative campaigns that get attention. You’ll have an easier time identifying headlines, hashtags, slogans, and creative direction.

  • Product Launches: You’ll be able to name products or new services and be crystal clear about how all arms of your brand work strategically together.

  • One Brand Identity To Rule Them All: Make it easier for your team to be better brand ambassadors for your business. With your Brand Blueprint and Toolkit you’ll have one cohesive representation of yourself, in one place, for everyone to access. No more off-brand stock photos and meaningless icons. Ampersand, title case, oxford commas, headlines ending with a period or not? Which logo and which company description? Can I say it like this on Twitter? How do we address donors or clients? I thought we weren’t using the color orange anymore. Does anyone have a slide presentation template or letterhead? Sound familiar? Nip this one in the bud!

  • Enhanced Audience Experience: Your audience will immediately recognize your brand. You’ll give them a reason to follow you, engage with you, and eagerly tell others about your value and benefits, beyond the point-of-sale.  


Get clear on your brand story and let me translate it into your website’s copy.



[Payment plans available]

[it’s wild times, y’all]


It was such a relief to work with someone who immediately understood my business and vision so I could just focus on building my product and community. Working with Courtney, I learned how to talk about my product and learned new ways to effectively market and build my brand. I walked away with more than just copy and messaging, but an actionable next-steps plan!
— Cathy Zoller, Founder of KnitWiz Software




When we started, the concept was very nascent…we were able to work through the ambiguity and get to an excellent result. [We] asked the right questions and pushed through to get to deeper answers.
— Katherine Harris, CEO and Founder of DeepTrust Alliance



