Brand Discovery About Me


Founder of Big Picture Branding


I decided to make the switch from building multi-million dollar marketing campaigns and fostering fancy-pants brand partnerships to working with emerging and creative brands when I was sitting in a major company rebrand meeting and not a single person could articulate our business’s vision or purpose.

Not a single person.

As I reflected on my career and projects of the past, I wondered why this rebrand in particular just wasn’t working. What was different this time around that prevented us from figuring out how to position and talk about the incredible products we were putting out into the world? It felt like we were putting the cart before the horse, talking about design, funnels, channels, when we didn’t really know who we were…


WE NEEDED TO DEFINE OUR PURPOSE. We needed to lay the foundation for our brand FIRST in order to articulate what we did, why were were truly the bomb dot com, who our target audience was, and how we could effectively communicate and engage with them in meaningful ways that ultimately closed deals, built our reputation, and brought home the bacon.

A year later, as we delivered our project over the finish line, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wanted to do it all over again. But with one caveat..

I wanted to bring my 10+ years experience and Brand Strategy Blueprint method to the emerging and the creative.

I’m a master storyteller who has used her skills to sell books, higher education, software, mobile apps, coaching programs, jewelry collections, memberships and a heck of a lot more.

My clients are building businesses, raising VC, selling products, launching programs, signing clients, and taking their brands to the next level with clarity and confidence.

ready to stop going in circles writing (and re-writing) your website copy?

ready to articulate your brand voice?

Ready to know what kind of content to write and post?

Ready to have your go-to messaging masterfully written out?

ready to understand your audience and speak to their problems?