Thinker Pitfalls


When writing from a Thinker’s point of view, you need to remember to cater to other people’s selling style and buying motivators. Here are your most common copywriting pitfalls:

1) Fire-hosing readers with information.

It’s important to remember that for two out of the four types of buyers, more does not necessarily equal better. Throw the skimmers a bone by utilizing headers as a way to understand the gist without having to read the entire paragraph underneath. Keep sections to 2-3 sentences max and break information into bullet points or infographics where possible.

2) Too many facts, not enough storytelling.

Storytelling is what makes you memorable. It’s what differentiates you from others offering the same service or product and makes people decide to work with you instead of someone else. Your point-of-view matters and your brand story (how you got here) is how you get people to know, like, and trust you. Let your brand personality out of the box and hone your brand voice.

3) Discounting emotional social proof.

Sure, numbers don’t lie, but you’re selling to humans, not androids. Not all testimonials require data to be effective — testimonials that speak to an exceptional client experience or great customer service are helpful tools to assuage concerns about potential buyer’s remorse. Testimonials that convey a desired emotion, like freedom, clarity, relief, or confidence are equally important to your readers. Example: “I was finally able to release myself from social media FOMO and build a business that matched my lifestyle and values.”

4) Not using imagery to strategically back up your copy claims.

Fun fact: Human beings display a cognitive preference for images showing human faces conveying human emotions. Use this to your advantage by pairing images with your copy to demonstrate joy, ease, and even things like process and strategy! Not seeing a business owner’s face or a team photo is a major red flag for some of your readers and they’re unlikely to put their trust in someone else’s expertise until they see you or your teams photos. Illustrations don’t count! (I’m looking at you product-based companies!)