When writing from a Socializer’s point of view, you need to remember to cater to other people’s selling style and buying motivators. Here are your most common copywriting pitfalls:
1) Speaking more about what’s going on inside your head instead of what’s going on inside your readers’ heads.
A little extra audience research goes a long way. Get super clear on what your readers are looking for and how they’re phrasing their problems with an audience survey or some online sleuthing.
2) Not backing up your claims with enough facts.
When it comes to the know/like/trust factor you need to focus on TRUST. Hit your readers with the ‘What’ toward the top of your page and back up your claims with numbers or quantitative proof that you made the needle move for others just like them. Speak to your ROI and give proof for how your reader’s day-to-day will change as a result of working with you. Prompt past clients or customers for hard-hitting testimonials that demonstrate a before-and-after transformation, rather than a fluffy testimonial that says you were “super nice to work with.”
3) Focusing too much on story, aesthetics or packaging.
Creating a covetable brand is easy for you, but two out of the four types of buyers are more analytical and logically driven. Don’t skip over the details. Break down your process and show an offering’s value with the all-mighty “marketing receipt” listing out your deliverables and itemized values. You gotta make it crystal clear that your offer is juicy sweet but also packed with vitamins.
4) Not organizing your copy logically.
Your copy needs to connect the dots — from ‘The What’ to ‘The Why’ to the ‘So What?’ to ‘The Proof’ and the ‘Fork-in-the-Road CTA’. Some of your readers are reading from top-to-bottom, and returning to various sections multiple times. A linear narrative that helps them navigate where they are and shortens their decision-making lead time.
Utilize headers to sum up something your reader is pining for and use it to draw them into your body copy where you can explain yourself and build that trust factor.
Avoid leading with cutesy or poetic slogans unless they can be understood without any explainers or further context.
Make sure your testimonials match the sales copy closest to it — when you’re learning about the emotional benefits of a product or service you want to see an emotional testimonial. When you’re weighing up ROI, you need to see a qualitative testimonial.