Copywriting FreebiE

SEO for Copywriting Checklist

Appear on "Page One" of Google with SEO copywriting best practices that will help you get found in search while keeping your content human. πŸ€–

Appease the Google gods.

Audit your copy and create a master keyword list using the essential SEO tool roundup.


Follow the checklist to complete each SEO to-do in the right order including: Prep, Metadata, Headers, Copy, Links, and Re-Indexing.

SEO Order of Operations

Dead simple explainers from header to footer, plus examples of how to write a good meta description, alt-text, SEO headlines, page titles, slugs, linking strategy and more.

ON-Page SEO Breakdown

Here’s what you'll learn:

I'm a publishing & media professional turned tech marketer with a literal master's degree in selling stories. (NYU M.S. Print & Digital Media, baby!)

I started Big Picture Branding because I wanted to combine the purpose-driven spirit of the book publishing world (my past life) with the data-informed reality we live in. My clients are proof that you can grow a profitable businesses that doesn't shy away from having a personality or a big picture purpose.

I’m Courtney Fanning.

Hey there!