Copywriting FreebiE

Brand Voice Chart

Chart your desired brand voice and figure out how it comes through your content, IRL. 

Sound uniquely, YOU.

Audit your platforms and brainstorm Instagram captions, headlines, newsletter snippets, and more to get clear on what your voice sounds like, IRL.

IRL Voice outline

Keep your voice on-brand by creating the litmus test for what is and is not an appropriate way to express your voice across your content.

Copy Do's & Don'ts

Remain consistent across platforms by charting your brand voice. Use these guidelines every time you or a member of your team write for your business.

Brand Voice Chart

Here’s what you'll get:

I'm a publishing & media professional turned tech marketer with a literal master's degree in selling stories. (NYU M.S. Print & Digital Media, baby!)

I started Big Picture Branding because I wanted to combine the purpose-driven spirit of the book publishing world (my past life) with the data-informed reality we live in. My clients are proof that you can grow a profitable businesses that doesn't shy away from having a personality or a big picture purpose.

I’m Courtney Fanning.

Hey there!