Revenue & Metrics Tracker

Tracking your money and metrics doesn’t have to be complicated. Get a high-level snapshot of your numbers, what’s working, and what’s not. 

Calculate how many products and services you need to sell to reach your revenue goal and track outstanding sales, payments, or invoices.

Estimated Revenue & Pricing calculator

Stay accountable to your marketing goals by tracking your activities and analyzing which channel's stats need your attention. 

Marketing Stats tracker

Keep track of and calculate how much $$$ your products and services are bringing in and how close you are to achieving your annual earnings goal. 

Revenue Tracker

Here’s what you'll get:

I'm a publishing & media professional turned tech marketer with a literal master's degree in selling stories. (NYU M.S. Print & Digital Media, baby!)

I started Big Picture Branding because I wanted to combine the purpose-driven spirit of the book publishing world (my past life) with the data-informed reality we live in. My clients are proof that you can grow a profitable businesses that doesn't shy away from having a personality or a big picture purpose.

I’m Courtney Fanning.

Hey there!